28 junio 2005

Cientificos crean perros zombi

Alucina, unos cientificos han conseguido revivir a perros muertos (muertos hace muy poco) y tras drenar su sangre con un compuesto, y darles un schock electrico, han conseguido que volvieran a la vida sin daños cerebrales.

U.S. scientists have managed to revive dead dogs to life, by using a technique similar to cryogenation, in which the dogs' blood was drained and replaced by a cold, saline liquid. A couple of hours, their blood was replaced, and an electric shock brought them back to life with no brain damage. The technology will be tested on humans within the next year.

Bueno, yo voy a ir preparando la escopeta, porque cualquier dia tenemos el Resident evil mas real que os imagineis xDD


Fuente: Tactland / Science

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